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well some may have seen me busking outside of nature fair or shoppers drug mart. there was a swing at the end of winter that put the temperature up to 10c or pretty close. lowest 8c. These are cold busking weathers. I do not want my guitar destroyed by the cold. I have already lost 2 do to string warping of wood. So Vernon, BC, Canada. You are going to see a lot more of my busking when the temperature increases. This week!!!!! You can find me at either shoppers drug mart or in front of natures fair. Please tip if you can. its my survival money. maybe when i get a drum track I can busk with a drum clip to make it sound better. Till then counting the says to 10c or warmer. right now its usually 1pm busking. I like mornings better but its too cold.

Mood: Artistic
RockStar 5 days ago 0 15


By Joining the RoaRinG.BiZ website you can have access to the "JATZEK - THE X ALBUMS - DEMO" - Music CD.

There is no cost for joining. It's basically a free website except for certain areas of it but you don't have to bother with those.

The join button is on the top right of the website right next to logon.

Join, answer a few questions like email, and nickname. Press OK and then check your email

for a verification email. Once that's done you are a member.



To get to the CD go to the menus and all the way to the right .hover on the MORE menu item and press the STORE selector. Press the listed JATZEK album and to the right about have way down the page

will be a download button. Press that and it will download to your computer. Don't worry about viruses, there are none. You can virus scan the file before opening it

and it's just mp3s and videos which do not carry viruses or malware. It's a big file, over 400 meg so could take a while to download unless you have high speed internet.


It took a long time creating this CD and I hope you enjoy it. So if you want a free CD join the RoaRinG.BiZ website now. CHEERS!!

Reactions: happy (1)
RockStar 11 days ago 0 25

Due to crappy weather. I have not been busking. There fore not been making daily income and I am getting so sick of being without daily money to survive.

I might have even screwed up the video shoot for Manfreds Guitar Show as I can not busk in 4C weather and it has been around that to 7C all week.

I usually only go out around 10C weather as to not wreck my only guitar. I need it for spring and summer busking. and it looks like this week is full of low temperatures as well. Not climbing in temperature till next Saturday (the 22nd of march). This is really taking it's toll on me. I have been so broke that I had to go to the food bank. They have been really good to me and gave me enough groceries to make it till payday. Then it's back to paying bills and loans and getting groceries. At least this payday is only a 4 week period till the next payday. And not 5 weeks, which I dread as I always run out of food around week 3. Low income. Will try to get out there as soon as possible. It use to warm up around 1pm in the after noon. but since daylight savings time its usually 3 to 4pm when it warms up enough to play. I will be out there as soon as it reaches 10C. Will be checking weather reports.

RockStar 12 days ago 1 27

Wow~! I landed A guest Appearance On The Manfreds Guitar Show Today. Manfred came down to see me busk today. I asked him if he was still doing his show after 7 years. He said he was, Then he asked me if I wanted to make a guest appearance. I said YES.. It's called "Manfreds Guitar" and airs on cable TV. Manfred is one of the best guitarists I have ever seen. I'll be honoured to do his show. So sometime next week he is going to film me playing guitar outside Shoppers Drugs Mart and probably put on a bit of a talk show. I have a week to prepare. As It is. I will be busking every day down at Shoppers Drug Mart. It should help. I was thinking of doing the "I really like your smile" song of mine. If I have to play a second song I will probably do "Do you dance" Or some other happy song of mine like "Trust in me". I hope it goes over well. I will put a link to the show on this RoaRinG.BiZ website once it's done so you can watch it. I am happy! As for tips today. Was a bad day, only made $2.00. So went home broke. Without Smokes. I got patches today as well so that should tie me over till I get cigarette money. Wish me luck on the Manfreds Guitar Show.

Mood: Accomplished
RockStar 07.03.2025 0 45

I have started busking at shoppers drug mart Downtown Vernon, BC, Canada.

I usually eat at CMHA during the week at noon. Eat. Then leave for shoppers drug mart to busk.

Around 12:30 - 1pm I will be down there busking. Will slowly be building up my playing time.

Right now It's about an hour a day. And usually only when its 10C or above.

Come down and watch if you like. Be doing new songs, old songs and making stuff up. It's practice for me.

Tip if you can afford it! It all goes into living expenses. Costs so much due to these tarriffs by USA.

I smoke, Smokes are $23 a pack. If I get tipped a lot of money I will stay there longer and play.

See you there!


Mood: Awake
RockStar 06.03.2025 0 42

I might busk early this year. I was so worried that the cold weather would destroy another guitar. Guitars aren't exactly cheap. I wasn't going to busk until may 1 2025 as it would have been definitely warm enough to play. My last guitar is in really bad shape, strings. wood cracked etc. But at least I can say I busked an entire year. Christmas was so cold. but so profitable. So I have a musician friend that says her drums can't go out in anything under 10C or they get destroyed. I figure a drum and a guitar wood would be similar to temperature causing damage. That theoretically means I can go busking in 10C and higher weather. So I might take a chance once it gets to 10C and go and busk. The usual spots. I am glad she told me that. or it would have had to wait till may. I don't want to lose another guitar due to weather temperatures and humidity. The last one is now garbage (but i hold onto it to remind myself) and this is my last guitar i own. Wish Me Luck! JATZEK

Mood: Accomplished
RockStar 27.02.2025 0 63

JATZEK - SongWriting - $200 a song and up. Leave me email at payment through paypal. Willing to spend a day and write a song for you!

Put it on usb stick and have it ready for you. All you need to do is give me a topic and a brief song lyrics idea and I will go from there.

Basic songwriting with guitar and lyrics recorded to usb $200.


Mood: Artistic
RockStar 17.02.2025 0 93

Ok so you are new to RoaRinG.BiZ

I post music on here in the form of mp3s and Videos

They are my own stuff in the band JATZEK


Remember to watch or listen to them

If you like you can vote anonymously without an account

There are 5 stars under the video or mp3 on the left hand side.

Move your mouse (r finger) over them and they can range from 1 to 5

1 for being totally bad.

And 5 for being awesome.


Remember to vote honestly as I am trying to see what to put on my music USB based on all votes

Thanks in advance

Mood: Accomplished
RockStar 10.01.2025 0 9189

Had a mail hacker from december up until jan 7 where I got rid of him. He must have hacked out an email address and then password.

Evreything got tightened up around here. No new email accounts. Kept only the ones i needed. Renamed a few and new passwords.

Also some settings on the mail server so he can not exploit smtp which run on this website. Can't really do much about a mail hacker on a business server but there are logs offline in case he/she tries again. so far for the past 3 days I have seen whoever it is trying to use smpt. Very little output. So he's probably trying to hack smtp again so he can do webmails out for whatever he is sending out. I don't appreciate it. I thought it was illegal to attack business servers. Problem is no one in vernon can do anything about it. I'll keep the data for whoever an press charges on this mail hacker. That will be later. So far the mail server is running smoothly. with no 50meg smtp mail sending from it.

Mood: Aggravated
RockStar 09.01.2025 0 115