Browse Events By Day: 14.06.2024
I'll be near the parking lot of Natures Fair busking and selling usbs   From 10:00am to 11:45am I will be busking at Natures Fair (In That Area - DownTown). Sunny Or Cloudy Weather Only. Rain Or Snow I won't be there! If raining I might be at the shoppers drug mart (downtown) where it has an overh…
Natures Fair, Vernon, Canada
From RockStar
Martens Downtown Brewery and pub is having karaoke on Friday Nights 8pm to late night. It's right downtown across from the kal sports bar.   2933a 30th Ave, Vernon, BC V1T 2B8 Phone: (778) 475-5115   map:…
martens bewing company, Vernon, Canada
From RockStar
From 12:30pm to 2:00pm I will be busking at Studio Cannabis (DownTown). (In That Area - DownTown). Sunny Or Cloudy Weather Only. Rain Or Snow I won't be there! Practising my old songs and creating new ones. I will be selling MUSIC USB Sticks there with my music on them for $20.00. These Music USBs…
Busking At Studio Cannabis, Vernon, Canada
From RockStar