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By Joining the RoaRinG.BiZ website you can have access to the "JATZEK - THE X ALBUMS - DEMO" - Music CD.

There is no cost for joining. It's basically a free website except for certain areas of it but you don't have to bother with those.

The join button is on the top right of the website right next to logon.

Join, answer a few questions like email, and nickname. Press OK and then check your email

for a verification email. Once that's done you are a member.



To get to the CD go to the menus and all the way to the right .hover on the MORE menu item and press the STORE selector. Press the listed JATZEK album and to the right about have way down the page

will be a download button. Press that and it will download to your computer. Don't worry about viruses, there are none. You can virus scan the file before opening it

and it's just mp3s and videos which do not carry viruses or malware. It's a big file, over 400 meg so could take a while to download unless you have high speed internet.


It took a long time creating this CD and I hope you enjoy it. So if you want a free CD join the RoaRinG.BiZ website now. CHEERS!!

Reactions: happy (1)
RockStar 12 days ago 0 26