RockStar's groups
Machine language and assembly code for Intel based machines. all programmers stuff in here. assorted reference links, books. sample codes etc will appear in the forums from time to time. all discussions are open to the public. make use of this group and post information you might find valuable to o…
1 fans
VERNON, Canada
05.11.2017 From RockStar
no one copy: for our eyes only. ========================= vAMPIRE wARRIORS (c) By Philip John Jatzek 4:33.14-04-2003@V1T5W3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All member posts are copyright by the person that posts them on the date of the post.     REMEMBER TO HIT THE FORUM LINK ABOVE THIS TO READ POSTS Wel…
1 fans
VERNON, Canada
05.11.2017 From RockStar
This is the X band room for posting new songs that are not completely done yet, lyrics videos, sounds, etc. most of the good work goes on the main page. but this one is like work prints, work in progress. all the copyrights go to my real name Philip John Jatzek so [ALL POSTS COPYRIGHT (c) BY PHILI…
1 fans
VERNON, Canada
15.10.2017 From RockStar